2020 was probably the biggest year of my life for changes. And not all bad changes, either. Actually, there were more good than bad. And, despite the fact that I'm not always an optimist, I'm going to focus on just the good changes here. 😊 I met my best friend. 💙💙 Actually, I met a ton of new friends. My two closest friends (not sure how I would have survived 2020 without you two! 💙), my writing support group, my email buddies . . . All online. I'm not sure I've ever been so grateful for technology! In March, I started my own NaNoWriMo writing group. From there, I joined The King's Daughters' Writing Camp. And . . . wow. That has been so amazing! 🤩 Actually, I'm chatting and "word crawling" (I'm not even going to try to explain that, but it works 😂) with them as I write this! I can't even describe how amazing it is to connect with writers all around the world. I discovered that I am an INFJ and I've become obsessed with MBTI ...