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First Post!

Welcome, y'all!
I'm Abby, and I'm so glad you dropped by!
    You can read more about me here. I spent a lot of time working on that page, and I don't want to go through that again...
    I made this blog to mostly be about bookish stuff - book reviews, behind-the-scenes looks at my writing, blog tours for online friends, etc. And tags. Because I just love tags. 
    Now, to be honest, this blog wasn't even my idea - my dad suggested it. And it wouldn't have been possible without his help - and a whole lot of encouragement and suggestions from my incredible friend, SawyerMarie (she's also a great blogger - you can find her blog, Sundrop Girls, here). Sawyer, this probably wouldn't be happening right now without you. Thanks, girl. I'm so glad God let us become friends. 💙
    I'm hoping to post at least once or twice a week, but, never having done this before, I'm not making any promises. 😊
    Also - this blog is still under construction. So not every page has amazing content, but I'm hoping it will sometime before long. 😁
    So, while I try to scrounge up some book reviews and find some tags to steal from blogger friends (don't worry, I'll only steal if they left it open...), let me know what you think! Introduce yourself! What's your favorite type of bookish blog post? What do you think of my blog?

Until next time,


  1. Helloooo! Your blogs so cute Abby! I love it! 💜

  2. Love it!
    I would leave my blog address here, but I think you already know my blog address, soooooo

    1. Hi, Lilly!! Thanks! Yep, I know where yours is...I check it a lot, even though I'm subscribed so I'll get every new post in my email. 😁

  3. Yayyyyyyyy! Welcome to the blog, Abby!! You're welcome to steal any of my tags. XP I do the same thing!

    1. Thank you, Katja!! Oh, thanks! I've already been looking for ones you've left open...😁

  4. Hi Abby!! I'm so excited that you're blogging now!!!!!!! 😊😊😊

  5. I love your blog, Abby! I love the green😉 I am following by email 😊 ~Caitlyn

    1. Thanks so much, Caitlyn! I absolutely love this color. 😁 And thanks for the follow!

  6. Welcome to blogging!! ;) I love the colour theme!! :D May you honour God and be a blessing and encouragement to many!

    1. Thanks, Lauren!!! I love this color, too! 😊
      Aww, thanks!! I hope I will (to both of those)! 💙

  7. And Abby- I am so glad God let us be friends. Thank you for those kind words *face bright red*
    You are amazing. <3

    1. Aww...yeah, you've embarrassed me enough that it was my turn. 😊 Really, though, I meant every word. And you're amazing-er!

  8. Just found your blog, Abby, and I LOVE it!!! <3 I can't wait to read more and keep blogging, girl! :D


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