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2020: Year of . . . Crazy

2020 was probably the biggest year of my life for changes. And not all bad changes, either. Actually, there were more good than bad.

    And, despite the fact that I'm not always an optimist, I'm going to focus on just the good changes here. 😊

  • I met my best friend. 💙💙
  • Actually, I met a ton of new friends. My two closest friends (not sure how I would have survived 2020 without you two! 💙), my writing support group, my email buddies . . . All online. I'm not sure I've ever been so grateful for technology!
  • In March, I started my own NaNoWriMo writing group. From there, I joined The King's Daughters' Writing Camp. And . . . wow. That has been so amazing! 🤩 Actually, I'm chatting and "word crawling" (I'm not even going to try to explain that, but it works 😂) with them as I write this! I can't even describe how amazing it is to connect with writers all around the world.
  • I discovered that I am an INFJ and I've become obsessed with MBTI personality types. Yes, that's a good thing. 😁
  • I made a lot of strides towards this whole "adulting" thing. 😄 I did a ton of driving. I joined a new youth group (first church I've ever been to where people don't know my family. 😂 The joys of having two preachers in your family . . .), I did in-person dual enrollment college classes for the first time. Well, kinda . . . I got in half a semester of normal classes before the world shut down. 😐 But I made it out of two classes with a bad instructor, without making bad grades! *relieved*
  • I tried guacamole and didn't hate it! I feel like that is definitely an accomplishment.
  • I successfully passed the one-year anniversary of keeping my pet lizard, Darcy, alive.
  • According to Goodreads, I read 50+ books this year! Some were novellas and short stories, some were audiobooks. But I'll still count it. 😁
  • I discovered a bunch of books (and an author) that are now on my all-time favorites list!
  • I had my first experience beta reading - and now I'm addicted! So far I've alpha/beta read three novels, two short stories, and a novella. And I have one more novel that I plan to start on soon!
  • I started a blog!!! That's been a dream of mine for a long time!
  • I saw the Grand Canyon!!!! *jaw drop* No one warned me that it wasn't just one canyon. I was very, very shocked when I saw it for the first time. Any pictures I've seen just don't do it justice. So - that marks one item off of my bucket list! Another big one is skydiving, but I think it'll be a few years before I can check that one off . . . 
  • I FINISHED THE DRAFT OF MY NOVEL!!!!!!!!!! That's one of my biggest accomplishments for 2020. Now I'm trying to revise it . . . unless something unforeseen happens, by this time next year, "I published my first novel" will be on my accomplishments list!
  • I've grown sooooo much in my faith. I can't even measure it or describe it. 😊 But it's been challenging and amazing. I've encountered struggles like never before, but I've come out of them so much stronger.
  • I've discovered my love for dystopian stories, and even started writing one!
  • I've become a devoted fan of indie books. 😍😍😍 That's (in part) because of the amazing community at The King's Daughters' Writing Camp - there are so many indie authors there, and they're wonderful.
  • I survived the dinosaur attack of 2020. Wait, that hasn't happened yet. My bad.
  • I started loving memes. 😂

    That's not all of my big changes for 2020, but I'm gonna stop the list before I think of any more. 😁

    So, what about you? I know things have changed for all of us in 2020, some bad and (hopefully) several good.

    I suppose it might be obvious, but I'm back to the blogging world! Hopefully for good. I needed that last break, but I'm ready to be back now. 😊

    In light of that - what kinds of posts would y'all like to see in 2021? (Can you believe that's in three days?!?!?!?!?) Book reviews? Writing updates? Short stories? Guest posts? Blog tours? Devotionals? Rambly thought-dumps? More about personality types, since that's my most recent obsession (aside from my fascination with prosthetic biotechnology - super nerdy, I know 🤓)? Other ideas?

Until the next time,

What were the biggest good changes in your 2020? What are your opinions on my 2021 blog posts?


  1. So fun Abby!!!!
    Such a wonderful post! 😊
    😂 I survived the great toilet paper shortage of 2020!!!! 🧻

    Ooo! Guest posts, MBIT (I’m obsessed too! 😍)
    And long ramble posts. And maybe memes???? 😲

    ♥️ 🤗

    1. Thank you!!!
      YES!!!! Me too! 😂🧻

      Great!!!!! 😄

  2. Hi Abby!!!! I would like to see rambly posts, and memes (I love memes too). I can't believe that tomorrow is the last day of 2020!!

    1. Hi!!
      Thanks so much for your ideas!
      Yes!! And now we're several days into 2021 . . . 😲

  3. Fun post Abby! I love beta reading too! 😂💜

  4. All those posts :D
    Also, great update, girl. So grateful I met you & grateful for your beta-reading!!

    1. Thank you so much!!! 💙💙 I'm sooo glad I was able to meet you, too!!

  5. Hi Abby! I think all of the things you mentioned would be great post ideas! :D How do you find stories for beta reading? It sounds like something I'd enjoy. :)

    1. Hi!! Thank you!
      Actually, I found every single one of them through The King's Daughters' Writing Group! Several people who finished their stories during in (or close to) Camp needed beta readers, and I volunteered!


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