Welcome to part two of the Indie Author Spotlight! Today, I'll be reviewing Ellen Senechal's 30-day devotional, The Whispers God Gives . Genre: Tween/Teen Devotional Length: 79 pages Back-Cover Blurb: Hear God whisper as you read! Have you ever found yourself questioning God’s will for your life? Are you battling things nobody else seems to relate to? What about bitterness after losing a friend? Perhaps you’ve scoured the Internet and came up dry because you couldn’t find anything that spoke directly to your teen or pre-teen heart. If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, this book is for you. In The Whispers God Gives, teenaged author Ellen Senechal speaks from her heart and from God’s Word. She longs to share what she couldn’t find no matter how hard she looked – a clean, wholesome Christian devotional that’s short, sweet, and to the point. A book centered around strengthening your relationship with God your Savior, Counselor, and Friend in thirty days....