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7 Days of Hope: Giveaway Winner!

 Hello, y'all! Thank each and every one of you for your part in making this 7 Days of Hope Blog Tour so amazing. <3 Y'all are awesome.

Now, it's time to reveal the winners of the giveaway!

First pick goes to . . .












Abigail Harris!!!!

Congratulations, Abi!! We'll be emailing you soon!

Second place goes to . . .













We'll be getting in touch with you soon, as well!



  1. Congratulations, Sarah & Abi!
    Thank you Abby- I had so much fun doing this with you!

  2. Wow, thank you so much! I am so excited to have won. I am so glad you hosted the tour again, Abby!

  3. Congratulations, Sarah and Abigail!


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