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7 Days of Hope Blog Tour - My Post!

 Hey, y'all!

 I hope you've enjoyed this blog tour so far! These girls' posts are so beautiful and hopeful! I didn't realize how inspiring it would be to see so many people sharing what hope is to them!

    Well - now it's my turn! Here goes!

    Since I was little, my favorite Bible verse has been Isaiah 43:1.   

(Feel free to download this image and the one below! You can use them as phone wallpapers - that's what I plan on doing with them!)

    The wonderful, encouraging verse that comes right after this one, about God being with you through deep waters, seems to be quoted a lot more. But that wasn't the verse that I clung to for years. It was this one. Where God said that He had called me by name.
   What hope could ever be greater than knowing that the God of the universe has called you by name?

    When I think of hope and beauty and wonder...

    One of my favorite classic heroines comes to mind - Anne Shirley. While I was looking for an Anne of Green Gables quote for this post, a short, sweet, very Anne-ish one caught my eye. It sounded so much like something a friend had sent me when I was having a rough day. I found the original Anne quote (on page 188 in my copy of Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery) and made an image for it:

    No matter how bad today seems, it's not the end. We're not promised tomorrow, but, if it comes, we have an amazing God by our side and a clean slate to work with. That's what hope is - knowing that right now isn't perfect, but that right now isn't all there is to life.

I didn't have to think too hard about a song that gives me hope.

    "Symphony" by Switch wins, hands down. 
    It's a song full of hope and promise. It's not just a song about how God is in charge and how everything is going to turn out all right. It's a song about how life is dark. How we can't see what we're fighting for. How we just want to give up. And then it's a song of hope. Of how God is in control, whether or not we see Him. Of how He's never failed us yet. Of how we'll have to go through trials, but we're going to keep following God. Even if we can't see Him. Even if we don't understand.

    Especially with everything going on today, I know that life can seem so dark. That it's hard to see the light.
    But the Light is still there. Just look for it. That's what hope is.

If you missed the other tour stops, here are the links to those blogs!    

Hold your head up and smile today! We have a hope that nothing in this world can conquer!

Until the next time!


  1. Love this, girl!! That's one of my favourite Anne quotes too. <33

    1. Thanks, Katja! Yes, Anne says a lot of amazing things...but this just might be one of the best. 💙💙💙 Now I need to go find even more Anne quotes...😃

  2. Beautiful and inspiring Abby!!! I had so much fun with this blog post. Thank you SO much for helping me!

    Also- would you please- start making more wallpapers and posting them? I absolutely LOVE them!

    1. Aww, thank you for starting this, girl!! 💙 This tour has been so, so much fun!
      Maybe so...I love making them! 😃

  3. Beautiful post! Thank you so much for hosting this with SawyerMarie! It's been an encouragement! <3

    1. Thank you, Brooklyn!! I'm so glad you could be a part of it! 💙 And, if it was an encouragement to even just one person, it accomplished its purpose! It's just humbling to think that God used a small blog tour to encourage so many people! 💙💙💙

  4. Such a wonderful post, Abby!

  5. I LOVE THIS POST SO MUCH. 😍😍😍 Thank you for sharing this bit of encouragement with me today. 💗 I am so, so grateful that God is our Hope!! He is with us, for us, always. And the darkness will not last forever. 💙 What a blessed promise!
    Thank you, Abby and Sawyer, for hosting this amazing tour. For reminding us of our hope found in Jesus Christ alone. 💜 It has been a HUGE blessing, not only to me, but to others as well. *hugs*

    1. Aww, I'm so glad, Ellen! 💙 Yes, having God as our Hope and our Light...well, kinda makes you wonder why we feel the need to worry, doesn't it? 😊 He's in control, always!
      Thank YOU for being a part of it!! I'm so glad you were! It's blessed me, too! Just the fact that a few girls could work together for a wonderful purpose, even if most of us have never met...that thought alone gives me hope! *hugs back*

  6. Hi Abby!
    How's you book coming along? I hope you post again sometime soon!

    1. Hi, Lilly!! Thanks for asking! 💙 I'm waiting to hear back from some alpha readers right now, and I'm planning to start revisions before too long! With everything else going on in my life, I will be pushing back my original release date. It's just more practical. 😊 I may send out beta copies later than I had originally thought, too . . .
      My newest post just went up!! I'm hoping I can stay on a weekly schedule now. 😊

  7. Abby!! Although I'm a late reader, I enjoyed this post today! ♥ There is so much hope, and truly, He has never failed. I so like your quote: "But the Light is still there. Just look for it. That's what hope is." *smile*

    1. Hosanna!!! Your comment just made my day! Wasn't expected the author of one my favorite books ever to comment on my blog!! 💙
      Aww, I'm so glad it touched you! 💙💙💙 It was amazing to have the chance to put these thoughts into words and share them with the world!

  8. My dear friend, I miss you! Should send you an email soon. But I've been reading your blog faithfully- Abby, it's amazing! You were born for this~

    ~It's not what the world holds for you, it's what you bring to it.~ Anne Shirley.

  9. Katy!!! Hey!!!!!!

    I miss you, too! I might have an email of yours that I haven't replied to yet. 🙄 I've been awful about replying to emails lately. Sorry about that!!!

    Awww, thank you so, so much, friend!!!! 💙💙


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