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Photo Dump!

Hey, y'all! I'm back!
     So, I know I've been gone for almost two weeks, but that's because I was on vacation. And then I was recuperating from vacation. 😊 I'll include some pictures down below, but, in was awesome. We went to the Southwest and visited four different states. And now I'm in love with Arizona...💙💙
    Also - exciting news! I finished the first read-through of my novel, and it shouldn't need too much work before I send it to my alpha readers! That'll be so nerve-racking and exciting at the same time. 😬 I'm hoping I can send it out by the end of the week! 😁
    (Side note - I'm planning to start on those character interviews tomorrow, so let me know if you have any more questions for my characters!)
    And, now, onto the photos!



The really neat thing about the Pacific Ocean is that these mountains (or big rocky hills, whatever you want to call them 😃) are just on the other side of the road from the water. It's amazing.

And this is just a few feet away from the ocean, before you even get to the road.


This is one of my favorite pictures from the whole trip!


An Arizona sunset...

...and an Arizona sunrise. Isn't it just one of the most beautiful things in the whole wide world? 😍😍😍 Mama woke me up when the sun was rising, I snapped a few pics, and then I went back to sleep for an hour. 😂

The Grand Canyon, if you couldn't guess. 😃

The Grand Canyon at sunset. 💙

  I took a lot more pictures than these, but this post would be crazy-long if I uploaded them all...I probably took several hundred! But there's just a taste of what we saw! Isn't it beautiful? God's creation is so amazing!

Until next time,
Which is your favorite picture? Do you have a favorite state to travel to?


  1. BEAUTIFUL ABBY!!!!! *heart eyes* I like your Nevada pictures......

    1.'s so, so pretty out there!!!! 💙

    2. OK, Ummmm. I looked through your pictures again, I take back what I said- they are all AMAZING!!!!!! *heart eyes*

  2. Hi, Abby!! I've missed seeing your posts these past couple of weeks, but I'm thrilled to know you had such an awesome vacation! And . . . I LOVE ALL THESE PICTURES. 😍😍😍 Just . . . wow! So much beauty!!
    *screams* YOU'RE. SENDING. OUT. THE. ALPHA. COPIES. THIS. WEEK????? 😱 I absolutely CANNOT wait!
    (and, uh, sorry for all the caps. can you tell I'm seriously so excited for you and this book and the photo dump and . . .)
    Thx for the update, friend!!

    1. Aww, thanks, Ellen!!!! 💙 Yes...I just LOVE it out there! The most beautiful places I've ever been...😍
      *screams back* YES!!!!!!!! I am SOOO excited!!!!! I can't wait to hear your thoughts on it!!! 💙💙💙
      Haha! I love messages in caps! 😃 I'm so excited that you're so excited!!! 😂 I'm just really, really looking forward to you getting to read it (this week, hopefully!!!!)!
      Thanks for reading and commenting!!!!


  3. I'm glad you had a great trip! Lol, I can understand "recuperating from vacation". :D These pictures were gorgeous!! Thank you for sharing! I like the Arizona sunrise the best, probably, with California pic #2 coming in next. :) I can't wait for the beta reader copies to come out!! ;)

    1. Haha! Yes, our vacation was amazing, but it was packed full!!
      💙💙💙 It is just SO beautiful out there! The pictures can't do it justice!!
      Yep, not much can beat an Arizona sunrise. 😍
      Me either!!!!! I'm hoping for late September, but that'll depend on when my alpha readers get back to me and how much revision is needed. But that's when I'm aiming for!

  4. AHHHH!!!!!!! Welcome back, Abby!!! 💙💙💙 ☺️ All of your pictures are soooo beautiful!!!!! My fav would probably be Calfornia #1 or 4. 😄 That ocean is so gorgeous! My parents are always trying to tell us it's actually really pretty out there (in some places!) but I always just think of it as another desert state. 😂
    Eeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💙💙💙💙💙 Can't wait to read your book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😂
    (My favorite state to travel to...? I've only traveled to a few that I actually remember, but Nebraska was my favorite. 😄)

    1. Thanks!!!! :D It's just SOOO pretty out there! I feel like you'd have to try hard just to get a really bad picture. 😂 I mean, I made one of my favorite pictures (the AZ sunrise) when I was half-asleep. 😂
      A lot of CA does look like another desert state (even thought I love those 😄 - I thought Death Valley was amazing 😄), even as you get close to the beach! But the ocean itself is beautiful!!!!
      I'll be so glad when you can!!!!!!!! 💙💙💙
      I've never been to Nebraska (unless we flew over it), but I seriously doubt it could beat Arizona...I'm just in love with that state. 😍😍 Maybe I can visit Nebraska sometime, though. 😄

  5. GORGEOUS, ABBY!! We lived in Texas for two and a half years, and the sunsets/sunrises were absolutely breath taking. What is it about western sunsets??? Now I'm jealous of you..... I always wanted to see the Grand Canyon😁

    1. 😍😍😍 Ohhhh, I bet so!!! I haven't seen much prettier than an AZ sunrise (okay, so that was the only sunrise I was up early enough to see while I was out there - but how could you beat it? 😁). I don't what it is about the western sky, but it's just so breathtaking!!
      😁 I've been wanting to see it for years!! I was so happy to finally get to! It's just...amazing. I don't even know what words you could use to describe it.

  6. GIRLLLLLL! These are just AMAZING pictures!!! The Arizona sunrise was gorgeous... now you make me want to go on a trip and take pictures. XD XD
    And congratulations!!!!

    1. YESSSSSSS! It's just amazing out there! Haha! Yes, I had so much fun taking these pictures (plus the hundreds of others I didn't share...)!

  7. Those Pics!! 😍😍 Looks like you had a lovely trip! 💜💜

  8. Lovely pictures!!!!!!!!!!! I can't pick a favorite! Also, I placed 170 in BB, so I think I might be able to Beta read you book!

    1. Haha! It's challenging for me, too! But the fence post and the Arizona sunrise...😍😍😍
      I don't know if that's good or not (I don't remember much at all from when I did BB - I didn't stick with it very well), but at least I get you as a beta reader! 😁 I'll comment on your blog when it's time for beta readers!!!! 💙

    2. Okay and thanks!☺


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