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Like a Warrior: Update

I promised an update for my novel, Like a Warrior - and here it is!!!




I finally have a timeline and roadmap for publication!!!!!!

To all of my beta readers, who signed up months ago and have put up with all of my shifting timelines and long messages - thank you!!! You can expect your e-copy of LAW on or before February 19th!

After that, I'll sort through beta feedback, make my revisions, send it off to an editor, and then . . . 

It'll be time for a cover reveal! I'm aiming to do the cover reveal in early May, and I'll put more information about that out closer to time. After that - blog tour! I'm planning to run the blog tour from June 11th-18th. 

And then, on June 18th - Publish my novel!!!! 💙

I know that's nearly five months from now, but, trust me, I have a LOT of work to do. 😂 Not only on revisions, but with publicity and marketing and such. And putting a hard date out there for the world to see . . . scares me. But it also gives me a lot more accountability, because now I have more than one or two people to answer to if I try to push the date back. 😁

Trust me, y'all will hear a lot more about this in the next several months. I'll have cover reveal sign-ups, blog tour sign-ups, progress updates, possibly some excerpts, more about the story itself . . .

I'm super excited about this!!!! Are y'all??


What do you think???


  1. Congratulations, Abby!! How exciting; I can't wait!

  2. AHHH!!!! This is awesome Abby! I saw the link that was put up in the bulletin board of KDWC, and that's really exciting! I hope publishing goes well! - Charis

    1. Thanks so much, Charis!!! I'm really excited!!!

  3. Woohoo!! This is so exciting! Congrats on setting some dates and making progress. :) I'm looking forward to reading it! ;)

    1. Thank you!!! I feels good to finally have some solid dates! 😄

  4. Yay!! Congrats, Abby! 😄🎉🎊

  5. WHOO!!!!!!!! That's awesome, girl! Congrats!!!! 🤩🤩

  6. YAYYYYYY ABBY!!! YOU CAN DO IT! So excited for you!!! Congratulations!!!

  7. Ahhh!!! SO EXCITED!! I know it won't be for several months, but Lord willing, I would love to help out with the cover reveal and release tour! In the mean time, I pray that all the finish-up work goes smoothly! (And according to schedule. 😉)

    1. Aww, thanks so much, Natalie!! I'll definitely be putting out more info about it!
      And thank you for your prayers! 💙


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