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January 2021: Wrap Up

And . . . the first month of 2021 is already over! Can you believe it? 😮

Already this year, some big things have happened in my life!

Writing progress in January:
  • Worked on revising Like a Warrior, including majorly polishing the first chapter. 
  • Planned about half of a novella and drafted the first 1,000 words.
  • Started Pinterest boards for a ton of characters. (Yes, I totally count this as writing progress. 😂 It's actually super helpful for character development!)
  • Journalled (in some form) several days.
Books read (and reviewed - click the title to see my review) in January:


How was your January? Did you read any books that stand out?


  1. Great post Abby, sounds like a lovely month to kick off the year!!

    I've been wanting to read Thr3e by Ted Dekker for so long, so reading your review has made me want to read it even more so!! I'll have see if the library's got it or something ;)

    1. Thank you, Brooklyn!!

      Ohh, yes!! It's so good!

  2. How fun, Abby! Janurary has been an amazing month for me, and a book that really stood out to me was "No Time On My Hands" by Grace Snyder. Such an amazing book that I instantly loved, and it is now one of my favorites! Have a great Febuary!

    1. Thanks, Alivia!!
      Oh, it's wonderful when you find books that you fall in love with! <3
      Same to you!


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