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Indie Author Reviews: Hannah Foster


Welcome to the second part of my first Indie Author Spotlight!

Today, I'll be reviewing Hannah Foster's two adorable short stories, "Ella Pursued" and "A Family for Christmas."

Note: I received a free e-copy of each story in exchange for an honest review. A positive review was not required. All cover images are from Goodreads.

Ella Pursued

Genre: Contemporary Christian Romance

Length: Short Story

Back-Cover Blurb: 
Ella has narrowly escaped a fatal marriage once, but she plans to never be caught in that web again. It’s been easy to evade the young men of her church so far, but Joe is different.

Can Ella keep avoiding the ever-persistent Joe, especially when she knows her own heart is pulled toward him? Can she trust Joe and, more importantly, can she trust God? Is she willing to face her fears or will she continue to run, breaking more hearts than one?

My rating: 4 Stars

My review: 
Such a powerful story! It's a great length, too! Short enough to be read in one sitting, long enough to hold great characters, plot, and theme. <3
But, to be perfectly honest, Hannah didn't even need all of this length to develop her characters. *heart eyes* That's not something I remember ever saying about a short story. <3333 Her characters are just that good, and they shine through so early on in the story. Amazing!!!
The themes . . . they're so powerful. And I needed to hear that the first time I read this story - now, reading it again, I realize that I've grown in that respect a lot. Maybe this story even helped me personally. <333 This story is so far from shallow, like a lot of other stories.
I loved the way it was broken up into four chapters, too!
My only complaint is the writing style - it wasn't the best. While it definitely isn't horrible (and I happen to know that Hannah's other stories are written better!), it's not professional enough for me to give the story five stars.
But, honestly, other than that . . . I don't have any complaints!!! It's a beautiful, sweet, powerful, clean story that I definitely recommend!!!


A Family for Christmas

Genre: Christmas

Length: Short Story

Back-Cover Blurb: 
Eleven-year-old Lori finds herself all alone just before Christmas, longing for a home, a family, and maybe a real Christmas, too. But is Christmas even real, or is it just another fairy tale? When a stranger turns up on her doorstep offering to help her, can she trust his kindness?

This is a heart-warming story about family, a first Christmas, and how God’s plan is always perfect in the end.

My rating: 4 Stars

My review: A super-duper sweet story! Hannah's stories are always a little spot of sunshine in my life, and this was no exception. <3
Squeaky clean as always, with beautiful characters! And it's just soooooooo sweet. *heart eyes*
While it's not necessarily the kind of story I'd usually pick out, I'm so glad I was able to read it!
Highly recommended for a short, sweet Christmas story!


Well, that wraps up our first Indie Author Spotlight! What did you think?

If you've written and published (even just on your blog) anything, and would like to be featured, you can find more info and sign up here

See you again next time!

Have you read any of Hannah's short stories? Do either of these sound interesting to you?


  1. I've read "Ella Pursued" and I want to read Mrs. Foster's other short story.


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