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Goodbye for Now

First off, I'm sorry I didn't get a post out last week!

It's been a crazy few weeks - or, rather, months. And it's not gonna get any better. I'm finishing up high school in the next two weeks, leaving for college in a few months, trying to balance a sometimes-frustrating job, and working to get Like a Warrior ready to go into the world. (a few months later than intended, sadly. But I want to do this right, so I'm willing to wait a little longer)

And, so, for right now, I'm going to have to step back from blogging.

This isn't permanent. This is just me trying to focus on my priorities and do what God wants me to do.

Goodbye for now, y'all. Without worrying about publishing posts myself, hopefully I can be more active with reading and commenting on other blogs. And, if all goes as planned, I'll be back later ready to go full-steam-ahead with launch plans for LAW.

Thank everyone one of you so much - for reading, commenting, encouraging me. I love you all, and God bless.


Abby Elissa


  1. I understand dear ❤️
    Will miss you! But so excited LAW is being published soon! 🤗
    (Trust me- she will be back for that y’all 😁)

  2. It's good that you're following God's leading! I'm praying for you! <3

  3. Awww, Abby! I'm so sorry life has been crazy lately! *hugs* If stepping back from your blog is what you need to do right now, then I am so proud of you for taking that step. I pray your next phase of life is blessed and full of the goodness of God. <333

  4. Awwww, but I understand! 💙 I'll miss your posts and am looking forward to future ones!!
    Love you, girl!!!!!!! 💙💙 Prayers!


    1. 💙💙💙💙 Thank you so much!! Love you! 💙

  5. Awe! I will miss reading your posts, Abby! But I totally understand. Some seasons in life are simply busier than others. hugs!

  6. Totally understand, Abby! Hope your break goes well!!

  7. I'll miss you and your posts but I understand♥️

  8. I’ll miss you, but see you soon! Have a good break!

  9. We don’t really know each other like you know the other girls commenting but just wanted to say I totally understand having too many irons in the fire! It’s definitely so good you’re following where you feel led and keeping your priorities straight ❤️ Blessings on your next steps 🙏🏻🙌🏻☺️

    1. Awww, Olivia, thank you so, so much for this! 💙💙

  10. Oh my dear, sweet email friend that I've never personally met, YOU ROCK for realizing your boundaries !!! THAT would explain why I haven't heard from you in a few months. I'm sorry I was so late seeing this!! Praying for grace for you as you continue to jump through all your hurdles, and that you'd be able to accomplish everything that you have set out to do!
    You don't really know me at all (and vice versa) but I have grown to admire and LOVE you, and I hope that maybe......maybe?..... we'll be able to "connect" more in the future :)
    I can't wait to read LAW ;)


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